blackparrot records studio vienna wien common area 2

Office space

Schön­brun­ner Straße 55/12
1050 Vienna

+43 676 5212449


Pez­zl­gasse 6
1170 Vienna
Please con­tact us before show­ing up. Thanks!

Our team

Nick Johnson

Nick is a music pro­duc­er, sound-engi­neer, song­writer and singer from Vorarl­berg with music man­age­ment skills, based in Vien­na. At the age of 15 he start­ed to pro­duce music and design sounds & back­ground music. After fin­ish­ing his music pro­duc­tion and music man­age­ment stud­ies a few years lat­er, he became self-employed and worked as a sound assis­tant. In 2019 he estab­lished and co-found­ed the record­ing stu­dio „Black Par­rot Records“.

Thomas Krombholz

Tom is a sound-engi­neer, com­pos­er, gui­tarist, song­writer and music pro­duc­er from Salzburg, based in Vien­na. He has been play­ing the gui­tar since 2008 and due to his high inter­est in music, he was get­ting more and more into tech­ni­cal stuff and music pro­duc­tion, then stud­ied com­po­si­tion and sound engi­neer­ing. He has year-long expe­ri­ence in work­ing for “ORF” as well as for the “Salzburg­er Fest­spiele“ and the „The­ater der Jugend“. He estab­lished and co-found­ed the record­ing stu­dio Black Par­rot Records.

Nick van der Lars

Nick is a instru­men­tal musi­cian and pro­duc­er with mix­ing and mas­ter­ing skills. He grew up in Munich, where he start­ed out as a house DJ. Play­ing a vari­ety of instru­ments includ­ing piano, gui­tar, drums and basi­cal­ly every per­cus­sion instru­ment he joined Vien­na based Black Par­rot Records in 2020.

Still got questions?

shoot us an email